
Jokelan kirjasto sisäkuvaTuusula municipal library

Tuusula has a main library, a mobile library and local libraries in Jokela and Kellokoski. In addition, Riihikallio School has a small self-service library. 

The library is open to everyone. The library’'s services, collections and common facilities can be used by all those who abide by the library rules.

The libraries of Tuusula, Järvenpää, Kerava and Mäntsälä together constitute a library network called Kirkes. In the Kirkes online library, you can search for materials from the library database.

You can obtain a library card by completing the registration form and presenting an identity card with a photograph at the library. A guardian's consent is required for anyone under 15 years of age. The first library card is free of charge. The library card is valid at all Kirkes libraries. 

You may use the computers and the wireless network free of charge at the library. Furthermore, the libraries arrange a great number of events, such as exhibits, lectures and story times.

Loans and Returns

By using a library card, customers can borrow materials from the municipal library in Tuusula (books, periodicals, music, films, language courses, games etc.) or order material found at other Kirkes libraries to be delivered to Tuusula. The loan periods are 1-4 weeks, depending on the type of material.

Material borrowed from any library in Tuusula can be returned, free of charge, to any library in the Kirkes library network (Järvenpää, Kerava, Mäntsälä and Tuusula).

Renewing Loans, and Making Reservations 

If there are no reservations on your borrowed materials, they can be renewed up to five times. Loans can be renewed via the library’s online service, by telephone or by visiting a library. Express loans cannot be renewed.

Materials can be reserved either on location at the library or online. A reservation fee may apply.

Reserving materials and renewing loans via the online library requires a library card and a PIN code; a photo ID must be presented to obtain a PIN code.

Inter-library Loans and Acquisition Requests

If the desired material cannot be found at the Kirkes libraries, it can be ordered as an interlibrary loan or you can make an acquisition request. Interlibrary loans are subject to a fee. Both a request for an interlibrary loan and an acquisition request can be made either online or at the library.

Materials in Foreign Languages

The libraries in Tuusula offer materials written in the most common foreign languages. 

Customers can request an interlibrary loan for material in a foreign language through the Multilingual Library. The collection belonging to the Multilingual Library is located in the Pasila Library in Helsinki.

Material in Russian can be ordered from the Sello Library in Espoo. Material from this library is lent out to all parts of Finland. You can register as a customer in your own library. Loans are delivered to the local library or a parcel point of the Finnish Postal Service. 

Information on Finnish libraries can be found on the Finnish library services website.

Welcome to the Library!