Private day care allowance
Applying for day care allowance
The private day care allowance, the care supplement and the municipal supplement can be claimed from Kela (the child home care allowance - child private home care allowance application form WH 1). You can also apply for allowance using a paper form
In addition to the WH 1 application form, a WH 2 form completed by the private early childhood education provider on the day care provider must be submitted to Kela.
The private day care allowance, the care supplement and the municipal supplement shall be paid directly to the private caregiver or private early childhood education and care provider.
The service provider determines the price of the early childhood education and care placement, consisting of a day care fee paid by the guardian, a day care allowance, a care supplement and a municipal supplement.
Private day care allowances from 1 January 2020
Private family day care
Day care allowance month/child 172.3,95€
Care supplement (income-dependent) 0–146.29€
Municipal supplement full-time care 217€
Allowance and municipal 390.95€
Care provider engaged at home
Day care allowance month/child 173.95€
Care supplement (income-dependent) 0–146.29€
Municipal supplement full-time care 308€
Allowance and municipal 481.95€
Private group family day care
Day care allowance month/child 173.95€
Care supplement (income-dependent) 0–146.29€
Municipal supplement full-time care 378€
Allowance and municipal 551.95€
Private day care centre
Day care allowance month/child 173.95€
Care supplement (income-dependent) 0–146.29€
Municipal supplement full-time care, under 3 yrs 600€, over 3 yrs 360€
Allowance and municipal, under 3 yrs 773.95€, over 3 yrs 533.95€
Allowances for pre-primary-aged children
Private family day care
Day care allowance month/child 64€
Care suppl. (income-dependent) 0–73.16€
Municipal suppl. and pre-primary ed. fee 86.80€
Allowance and pre-primary ed. fee total 150.80€
Care provider engaged at home
Day care allowance month/child 64€
Care suppl. (income-dependent) 0–73.16€
Municipal suppl. and pre-primary ed. fee 123.20€
Allowance and pre-primary ed. fee total 187.20€
Private group family day care
Day care allowance month/child 64€
Care suppl. (income-dependent) 0–73.16€
Municipal suppl. and pre-primary ed. fee 151.20€
Allowance and pre-primary ed. fee total 215.20€
Private day care centre pre-primary ed. and additional
Day care allowance month/child 64€
Care suppl. (income-dependent) 0–73.16€
Municipal suppl. and pre-primary ed. fee, municipal suppl. 160€, pre-primary ed. fee 400€
Allowance and pre-primary ed. fee total 624€
Private day care centre free pre-primary ed.
Day care allowance month/child 0€
Care suppl. (income-dependent) 0€
Municipal suppl. and pre-primary ed. fee, 400€
Allowance and pre-primary ed. fee total, pre-primary ed. fee 400€
Allowance when the need for early childhood education is at max. 20 hours per week
When the child’s need for early childhood education and care is no more than 20 hours per week, the allowance paid is EUR 63.38 per month and 40% of the municipal supplement based on the day care form (family day care, group family day care and day care centre). 50% of a potential care supplement is payable.
Sibling supplement
If a family has more than one child within the framework of private day care allowance, an increased sibling supplement shall be paid for the family’s second child and any following children. This allowance is separately applied from the municipality via electronic services.
Bulletin Sibling supplement to the municipal supplement from 21 April 2020
Changes and termination of allowance
Report any changes and termination of private day care allowance to Kela. The changes and termination of the sibling supplement should be communicated to the municipality via the electronic system.
Further information:
Early childhood education and care professional Vesa Joronen