Applying for early childhood education and care
You should apply for a placement in early childhood education and care no later than four months prior to the need for care. If the need has not been foreseeable due to employment or studying, the placement must be applied for immediately, at the latest, however, two weeks prior to the need. If the need for day care is urgent, please contact your service administrator by phone or email and complete an early childhood education and care application electronically via eDaisy.
The child is entitled to early childhood education and care in the extent desired by the guardian, even if the guardian is at home. When applying for round-the-clock care, both guardians must append a statement from their employer or education institution regarding the need for evening or 24-hour care.
Early childhood education and care options
- Family day care
- Day care centres
- Private day care allowance
- Open early childhood education and care (children’s clubs and family clubs)
Information on available municipal and private early childhood education and care placements can be queried by contacting the advisory services.
Submission of an electronic application for day care
Early childhood education and care and children’s club placements are applied electronically via eDaisy
Children in need of special early childhood education and care
If your child needs special early childhood education, contact the special early childhood education teacher.