Public Transit


Tuusula Bus Station is located in the municipality’s main urbanity of Hyrylä. The Matkahuoltos service centre is located at the bus station. 

On the Matkahuoltos [] timetable search, you will find information about timetables for high-speed trains, regular traffic and local traffic with regard to buses all over Uusimaa [] and throughout Finland.


Schedules and routes for trains can be found on the VR web site []. 

The Tuusula train station is located in Jokela. From the Järvenpää train station and the adjacent bus station, bus routes head toward Kellokoski and Hyrylä. From the Kerava train station, the buses travel in a direction toward Hyrylä. As well, buses travel toward Hyrylä from the Korso and Aviapolis trains stations in Vantaa.

Air Travel

It is approximately 15 km from Hyrylä to the airport at Helsinki-Vantaa. The address is Parkkikuja/Parkkitie, Vantaa. Airport information is available 24 hours per day by telephone: +358 200 14636 (toll number).


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